
How to wake up early in the morning?
Waking up early in the morning seems very difficult. Simply adopt a few new habits to be an early riser. Read on to learn how to get up early?

"Mummy, five minutes more. please," Charley murmured hearing the loving voice of her mother. Her mom is well aware of her habit of switching off the alarm and rolling under the blanket again.
Do you remember your morning ritual after reading this incident? A lot of people share the same the same story. Waking up is a task for many people. Being an early riser seems tedious but it actually is not so. It is just a matter of cultivating a habit. Here is a step-by-step guide which will turn lazy bones to early birds.

Go to bed and wake up at the same time
You may wake up early in the morning everyday for work but on Sundays you may get up late. On Monday you find it very difficult to rise early. The pattern of sleeping more on weekends breaks your rising routine. Make ita habit of going to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. This will help you to develop a routine. Follow the same routine on weekends and holidays too. Research has shown that five in the morning is the right time to wake up. 

It takes 21 days to make a habit
It takes time to get used to something. Some spiritual philosophies say that it takes about 21 days to develop a habit. Try to wake up early for 21 consecutive days. You may find it difficult but slowly you will realize that you are getting used to it. Give your self minimum three weeks to get into the habit ofwaking up early. For example, once you wake up brushing your teeth is the first thing you do. That is a habit you have since childhood. Waking up on time also needs to be developed with time.


Have light dinner
Do not have a heavy dinner before going to bed. There should be at least two hours of gap between your dinner and bedtime. After having dinner your digestion process is at its peak. Heavy dinners make it very uncomfortable to go to sleep. To wake up early comfortable sleep is must.

Let everyone know about your new found habit
Tell your close friends about your vow of waking up early. The more you will tell others about it, the more you will focus on keeping your promise. Inform your buddies, siblings and parents about your new resolution to get up early. It will help you keep your promise, since the people close to you will keep reminding you of your goal.

Keep your alarm clock away from bed
Keeping the alarm clock away from the bed really helps. You have to get up and walk a few steps to stop the buzz. It helps avoid going back to sleep after switching off the alarm. Find a corner away from your bed to place your alarm clock. Be sure that you keep the volume high to hear the alarm.

Quality is more important than quantity
The more comfortable sleep you get, the more rejuvenated you feel the next day. It is not about how much you sleep but it is about how well you sleep. Your bedroom should be cozy, quiet and dark. It should have normal room temperature. Mattresses and pillows should be soft and comfy. Ensure proper air flow.

Realise the benefits of early rising
'Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise' we all are aware of this well-known verse. It tells the benefits of going to bed early andwaking up early. Realising the benefits of sleep helps to stay motivated to be an early riser. Early rising gives you extra time for yourself. You can use this time constructively for thinking, reading, meditating or exercising. You can even use this time to organise your day. 

Ask someone to wake you up
Some people do not wake up even with an alarm that is constantly buzzing. For such individuals it becomes important to ask someone to wake them up. This may also work better than an alarm.

Go to bed only if you are feeling sleepy
It is an exception to the rule that says 'go to bed at same time everyday'. Sometimes it becomes hard to get sleep. You just keep tossing and turning from one side to the other. If you are not feeling sleepy then do not try hard and count sheep. Just pop out of the bed and indulge yourself in some interesting activity. Pick up some nice book on the shelf and start reading or listen to some soothing music. Have a cup of warm milk or chamomile tea. It helps relax before going to bed. 

 Use more than one alarm clock
Invest in two alarm clocks. Keep the distance of 15 minutes in alarm timing. Keep one alarm clock near your head and second one at distance. Two alarm clocks will work for those who tend to putthe alarm off and go back to sleep. They will surely get up on the second awakening call.       

Avoid pressing 'snooze' button

Do you have the habit of pressing the snooze button when alarm rings? You need to get rid of this habit to awake early. If you hit the snooze button every time you hear the loud ring of your mobile alarm you may end up sleeping more. Tell yourself while setting up the alarm that 'I will not press snooze'. Once the alarm rings I will put it off and get out of my bed'.

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